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Opening Information: Term 1 2024

Updated: Jan 18

Dear Parents/ Guardians and Girls in Green

We are looking forward to welcoming all learners back to school on Wednesday, 17 January 2024, and trust that you have had a good, safe and restful holiday and are ready for the term's many activities.

The term will commence with adminstraive matters as well as our athletics programme. Our Inter-house Field event will take place on Friday, 19 January, and track events will take place on Monday 22 January 2024. The inter-house gala will take place from 12:00 on Friday 26 January. Teaching will commence in earnest as soon as all adminstrative matters have been addressed with the learners.

A few matters I would like to address from the outset of the year:


The school gates open every day at 7:00 am and close at 7:30 am. Thereafter, your daughter will be considered late. Please ensure that your daughter arrives ON TIME.


Please ensure that from the very first day back to school your daughter's hair, uniform, bags and appearance (including make-up, nails, jewellery etc.) are all in accordance with the school's Code of Conduct. Learners who arrive at school with incorrect hair, uniform etc. will be sent home to address these matters. Incorrect bags will be confiscated.


All learners have collected their textbooks last week, with a few exceptions. School diaries will also be issued to every learner at the school. The diary contains important information for you as parents, as well as for the learners. This includes the Learner Code of Conduct, Electronic Devices rules, among other relevant information. Please read through these so that you are informed.

Please note that we are awaiting delivery from the Gauteng Department of Education of a few textbooks for grade 8s. The Departmental Heads and subject teachers affected by textbook shortages have plans in place to manage the curriculum in the absence of textbooks so that our learners are not disadvantaged.


Please note that learners are NOT encouraged to bring devices to school as they prove to be quite disruptive to teaching and learning, because some learners are not disciplined enough to set aside their cell phones/ earphones during class. Please encourage your daughters to leave their devices at home or to limit the use of these devices.


As the school and the parent/guardian, please remember that we are a powerful partnership in the education and well-being of your child. It is only if we work together in a healthy and positive manner that we can best serve your child. I appeal to parents to avoid disrespecting teachers/ the school in front of your daughters, no matter how angry you might be with a teacher/the school. Rather, as adults, let's deal with the matter as partners. Communicate with the Tutor/ Executive Tutor/ relevant Deputy Principal in all matters. In addition, our school does not tolerate bullying, but often we are not informed of bullying cases. Please report these to the correct authorities at the school (the Tutor/ Executive Tutor/ Deputy Principal) to deal with the matter.

Finally, I would like to wish all our learners and their families a prosperous and healthy 2024. May you be blessed with all that is positive and life-affirming.

Esto Perpetua.

Ms A Jones



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